Mixer Standards Reinforced NR-10/NR-12 - Geared

Developed to standardize and / or cooking the most diverse mixtures, coupled through your burner. Allow the manufacture of sweets, snacks, cereal mixes, and various other products in the food industry, chemistry and others.
 Tomasi's Industrial Mixers are used to: mass drumstick, multi flour mixture, toast crumbs, candy banana, cream, polenta, fruit jams, rissoles, marmalades, esfirra mass, and other ...

Technical Specifications

• Structure in epoxy painted tube;

• Aluminum pan.

Dimensional Table (m)
ModelLengthWidthHeightCapacity (l)Ø SaucepanMotor (CV)BurnerSpeed
MSR-050,570,390,5350,35 simple 
MSR-250,630,771,41220,221/2 mono 127/220Vsimple34 RPM
MSR-400,710,811,59400,443/4 mono 127/220Vsimple34 RPM
MSR-700,850,951,64700,73/4 mono 127/220Vdouble34 RPM